Homebound, Hospitalized, and Recuperating Members
Shirley Adams
Joseph Bell
Faye Bess
Louise Bouchard (sister of Yvonne Boudreau)
Ashlei Brass
Courtnei Brass
Katrina Brown (grandchild of Floyd and Nola Faye Green)
Willie Mae Clinton
Earline Corley
Vanessa Cotton (sister of Kenneth Cotton)
Sharon Dunnings Davis (neice of Faye Bess)
Lana Flemings (grandmother of Ricky Melancon)
Jessie Mae Flintroy (mother of Cornelia T. Jones)
Edna Francis
Betty Gilbert (former parishioner)
Mary Gladney (mother of Vanessa Mercy)
Bennie Lee Gordon (mother of Brenda Simmons)
Nola Faye Green
Richard Green
Doreatha Guice (mother of Mary Wilson and Jannis Smith)
Frances Harris
Joyce Johnson
Annie Laura Jefferson
Martin Johnson (son of Robert and Mary Pat)
Robert Johnson
Roylene Jones-Lemons
Ola Mae Kilgore
Leon Lewis
Terrence Lewis
Frederick McHenry
Barbara Mercy
Cynthia Mitchell (daughter of Cornelia Jones)
Sherman Moore
Whitney Mouton (brother of Irene Jackson)
Ruthie Player
Lonnie Robinson
Jacie Scott (mother of Charles Scott)
Thelma Shaw
Loren Straughter (son of Ola Mae Kilgore)
Earnestine Travillion
Barbara Turner
Glenda Faye Turner (sister of Evelyn Body and Barbera Turner)
Paul Washington Jr
Emma Williams
Roosevelt Williams
Ora Lee Willis
Ella Faye Young (mother of Angela Norman)
Joseph Bell
Faye Bess
Louise Bouchard (sister of Yvonne Boudreau)
Ashlei Brass
Courtnei Brass
Katrina Brown (grandchild of Floyd and Nola Faye Green)
Willie Mae Clinton
Earline Corley
Vanessa Cotton (sister of Kenneth Cotton)
Sharon Dunnings Davis (neice of Faye Bess)
Lana Flemings (grandmother of Ricky Melancon)
Jessie Mae Flintroy (mother of Cornelia T. Jones)
Edna Francis
Betty Gilbert (former parishioner)
Mary Gladney (mother of Vanessa Mercy)
Bennie Lee Gordon (mother of Brenda Simmons)
Nola Faye Green
Richard Green
Doreatha Guice (mother of Mary Wilson and Jannis Smith)
Frances Harris
Joyce Johnson
Annie Laura Jefferson
Martin Johnson (son of Robert and Mary Pat)
Robert Johnson
Roylene Jones-Lemons
Ola Mae Kilgore
Leon Lewis
Terrence Lewis
Frederick McHenry
Barbara Mercy
Cynthia Mitchell (daughter of Cornelia Jones)
Sherman Moore
Whitney Mouton (brother of Irene Jackson)
Ruthie Player
Lonnie Robinson
Jacie Scott (mother of Charles Scott)
Thelma Shaw
Loren Straughter (son of Ola Mae Kilgore)
Earnestine Travillion
Barbara Turner
Glenda Faye Turner (sister of Evelyn Body and Barbera Turner)
Paul Washington Jr
Emma Williams
Roosevelt Williams
Ora Lee Willis
Ella Faye Young (mother of Angela Norman)